Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Arabian Nights Part-7

I was prepared to return the princess my thanks, but she
prevented me by addressing herself to her father: "Sir, I have
gained the victory over the genie, as your majesty may see; but
it is a victory that costs me dear; I have but a few minutes to
live, and you will not have the satisfaction to make the match
you intended; the fire has pierced me during the terrible combat,
and I find it is gradually consuming me. This would not have
happened, had I perceived the last of the pomegranate seeds, and
swallowed it, as I did the others when I was changed into a cock:
the genie had fled thither as to his last intrenchment, and upon
that the success of the combat depended, which would have been
successful, and without danger to me. This oversight obliged me
to have recourse to fire, and to fight with those mighty arms as
I did, between heaven and earth, in your presence; for, in spite
of all his redoubtable art and experience, I made the genie know
that I understood more than he; I have conquered and reduced him
to ashes, but I cannot escape death, which is approaching."
The sultan suffered the princess, the Lady of Beauty, to go on
with the recital of her combat, and when she had done, addressed
her in a tone that sufficiently testified his grief; "My
daughter," said he, "you see in what condition your father is;
alas! I wonder that I am yet alive! Your governor, the eunuch, is
dead, and the prince whom you have delivered from his enchantment
has lost one of his eyes." He could say no more, for his tears,
sighs, and sobs, deprived him of the power of utterance.
Suddenly the princess exclaimed, "I burn! I burn!" She found that
the fire had at last seized upon her vital parts, which made her
still cry "I burn!" until death had put an end to her intolerable
pains. The effect of that fire was so extraordinary, that in a
few moments she was wholly reduced to ashes, as the genie had
I cannot tell you, madam, how much I was grieved at so dismal a
spectacle; I had rather all my life have continued an ape or a
dog, than to have seen my benefactress thus miserably perish. The
sultan being afflicted all that can be imagined, cried piteously,
and beat himself on his head and breast, until being quite
overcome with grief, he fainted away, which made me fear for his
life. In the mean time, the eunuchs and officers came running at
the sultan's lamentations, and with much difficulty brought him
to himself. It was not necessary that the prince or myself should

relate the circumstances of the adventure, to convince them of
the affliction it had occasioned us. The two heaps of ashes, to
which the princess and the genie had been reduced, were a
sufficient demonstration. The sultan was hardly able to stand,
but was under the necessity of being supported to his apartment.
When the knowledge of this tragical event had spread through the
palace and the city, all the people bewailed the misfortune of
the princess, the Lady of Beauty, and commiserated the sultan's
affliction. Public mourning was observed for seven days, and many
ceremonies were performed. The ashes of the genie were thrown
into the air, but those of the princess were collected into a
precious urn, to be preserved, and the urn was deposited in a
superb mausoleum, constructed for that purpose on the spot where
the princess had been consumed.
The grief of the sultan for the loss of his daughter confined him
to his chamber for a whole month. Before he had fully recovered
his strength he sent for me: "Prince," said he, "attend to the
commands I now give you; your life must answer if you do not
carry them into execution." I assured him of exalt obedience;
upon which he went on thus: "I have constantly lived in perfect
felicity, but by your arrival all the happiness I possessed has
vanished; my daughter is dead, her governor is no more, and it is
only through a miracle that I am myself yet alive You are the
cause of all these misfortunes, under which it is impossible that
I should be comforted; depart hence therefore in peace, without
farther delay, for I must myself perish if you remain any longer.
I am persuaded that your presence brings misfortune with it.
Depart, and take care never to appear again in my dominions. No
consideration whatever shall hinder me from making you repent
your temerity should you violate my injunction." I was going to
speak, but he prevented me by words full of anger; and I was
obliged to quit the palace, rejected, banished, an outcast from
the world. Before I left the city I went into a bagnio, here I
caused my beard and eyebrows to be shaved, and put on a
calender's habit. I began my journey, not so much deploring my
own miseries, as the death of the two fair princesses, of which I
have been the occasion. I passed through many countries without
making myself known; at last I resolved to come to Bagdad, in
hopes of getting myself introduced to the commander of the
faithful, to move his compassion by relating to him my
unfortunate adventures. I arrived this evening, and the first man
I met was this calender, our brother, who spoke before me. You
know the remaining part, madam, and the cause of my having the
honour to be here.
When the second calender had concluded his story, Zobeide, to
whom he had addressed his speech, said, "It is well, you are at

liberty." But instead of departing, he also petitioned the lady
to shew him the same favour vouchsafed to the first calender, and
went and sat down by him.
The History of the Third Calender.
My story, most honourable lady, very much differs from what you
have already heard. The two princes who have spoken before me
have each lost an eye by the pure effects of their destiny, but
mine I lost through my own fault, and by hastening to seek my own
misfortune, as you shall hear by the sequel of the story.
My name is Agib, and I am the son of a sultan who was called
Cassib. After his death I took possession of his dominions, and
continued in the city where he had resided. It is situated on the
sea-coast, has one of the finest and safest harbours in the
world, an arsenal capable of fitting out for sea one hundred and
fifty men of war, besides merchantmen and light vessels. My
kingdom is composed of several fine provinces upon the main land,
besides a number of valuable islands, which lie almost in sight
of my capital.
My first object was to visit the provinces: I afterwards caused
my whole fleet to be fitted out, and went to my islands to gain
the hearts of my subjects by my presence, and to confirm them in
their loyalty. These voyages gave me some taste for navigation,
in which I took so much pleasure, that I resolved to make some
discoveries beyond my own territories; to which end I caused ten
ships to be fitted out, embarked, and set sail.
Our voyage was very pleasant for forty days successively, but on
the forty-first night the wind became contrary, and withal so
boisterous that we were near being lost: about break of day the
storm abated, the clouds dispersed, and the weather became fair.
We reached an island, where we remained two days to take in fresh
provisions; and then put off again to sea. After ten days' sail
we were in hopes of seeing land, for the tempests we had
experienced had so much abated my curiosity, that I gave orders
to steer back to my own coast; but I perceived at the same time
that my pilot knew not where we were. Upon the tenth day, a
seaman being sent to look out for land from the mast head, gave
notice that on starboard and larboard he could see nothing but
sky and sea, but that right a-head he perceived a great

The pilot changed colour at this account, and throwing his turban
on the deck with one hand, and beating his breast with the other,
cried, "Oh, Sir, we are all lost; not one of us can escape; and
with all my skill it is not in my power to effect our
deliverance." Having spoken thus, he lamented like a man who
foresaw unavoidable ruin; his despondence threw the whole ship's
crew into consternation. I asked him what reason he had thus to
despair? He exclaimed, "The tempest has brought us so far out of
our course, that to-morrow about noon we shall be near the black
mountain, or mine of adamant, which at this very minute draws all
your fleet towards it, by virtue of the iron in your ships; and
when we approach within a certain distance, the attraction of the
adamant will have such force, that all the nails will be drawn
out of the sides and bottoms of the ships, and fasten to the
mountain, so that your vessels will fall to pieces and sink.
"This mountain," continued the pilot, "is inaccessible. On the
summit there is a dome of fine brass, supported by pillars of the
same metal, and on the top of that dome stands a horse, likewise
of brass, with a rider on his back, who has a plate or lead fixed
to his breast, upon which some talismanic characters are
engraver. Sir, the tradition is, that this statue is the chief
cause why so many ships and men have been lost and sunk in this
place, and that it will ever continue to be fatal to all those
who have the misfortune to approach, until it shall be thrown
The pilot having finished his discourse, began to weep afresh,
and all the rest of the ship's company did the same. I had no
other thought but that my days were there to terminate. In the
mean time every one began to provide for his own safety, and to
that end took all imaginable precaution; and being uncertain of
the event, they all made one another their heirs, by virtue of a
will, for the benefit of those that should happen to be saved.
The next morning we distinctly perceived the black mountain.
About noon we were so near, that we found what the pilot had
foretold to be true; for all the nails and iron in the ships flew
towards the mountain, where they fixed, by the violence of the
attraction, with a horrible noise; the ships split asunder, and
their cargoes sunk into the sea. All my people were drowned, but
God had mercy on me, and permitted me to save myself by means of
a plank, which the wind drove ashore just at the foot of the
mountain. I did not receive the least hurt, and my good fortune
brought me to a landing place, where there were steps that led up
to the summit of the mountain.
At the sight of these steps, for there was not a space of ground

either on the right or left whereon a man could set his foot, I
gave thanks to God; and recommended myself to his holy
protection, as I began to ascend the steps, which were so narrow,
that had the wind raged it would have thrown me into the sea.
But, at last, I reached the top, without accident. I went into
the dome, and kneeling on the ground, gave God thanks for his
I passed the night under the dome. In my sleep an old grave man
appeared to me, and said, "Hearken, Agib; as soon as thou art
awake dig up the ground under thy feet: thou wilt find a bow of
brass, and three arrows of lead, that are made under certain
constellations, to deliver mankind from the many calamities that
threaten them. Shoot the three arrows at the statue, and the
rider will fall into the sea, but the horse will fall by thy
side; thou must bury it in the place where thou findest the bow
and arrows: this being done, the sea will swell and rise to the
foot of the dome. When it has come so high, thou wilt perceive a
boat with one man holding an oar in each hand; this man is also
of metal, but different from that thou hast thrown down; step on
board, but without mentioning the name of God, and let him
conduct thee. He will in ten days' time bring thee into another
sea, where thou shalt find an opportunity to return to thy
country, provided, as I have told thee, thou dost not mention the
name of God during the whole voyage."
This was the substance of the old man's discourse. When I awoke I
felt much comforted by the vision, and did not fail to observe
everything that he had commanded me. I took the bow and arrows
out of the ground, shot at the horseman, and with the third arrow
I overthrew him; he fell into the sea, and the horse fell by my
side; I buried it in the place whence I took the bow and arrows.
In the mean time, the sea swelled and rose up by degrees. When it
came as high as the foot of the dome upon the top of the
mountain, I saw, afar off, a boat rowing towards me, and I
returned God thanks that everything succeeded according to my
At last the boat made land, and I perceived the man was made of
metal, as I had dreamt. I stept aboard, and took great heed not
to pronounce the name of God, neither spoke I one word. I sat
down, and the man of metal began to row off from the mountain. He
rowed without ceasing till the ninth day, when I saw some
islands, which gave me hopes that I should escape all the danger
that I feared. The excess of my joy made me forget what I was
forbidden: "Blessed be God," said I; "God be praised."
I had no sooner spoken these words, than the boat sunk with the
man of metal, leaving me upon the surface. I swam the remaining

part of the day towards that land which appeared nearest. A very
dark night succeeded, and not knowing where I was, I swam at
random. My strength at last began to fail, and I despaired of
being able to save myself, but the wind began to blow hard, and a
wave vast as a mountain threw me on a flat, where it left me, and
retreated. I made haste ashore, fearing another wave might wash
me back. The first thing I did was to strip, wring the water out
of my clothes, and lay them on the dry sand, which was still warm
from the heat of the day.
Next morning the sun dried my clothes; I put them on, and went
forward to discover what sort of country I was in. I had not
walked far before I found I was upon a desert, though a very
pleasant, island, as it displayed several sorts of trees and wild
shrubs bearing fruit; but I perceived it was far from the
continent, which much diminished the joy I felt at having escaped
the danger of the seas. Nevertheless, I recommended myself to God
and prayed him to dispose of me according to his will.
Immediately after, I saw a vessel coming from the main land,
before the wind, directly towards the island. I doubted not but
they were coming to anchor there; and being uncertain what sort
of people they might be, whether friends or foes, I thought it
not safe to be seen. I got up into a very thick tree, from whence
I might safely view them. The vessel came into a little creek,
where ten slaves landed, carrying a spade and other instruments
for digging up the ground. They went towards the middle of the
island, where I saw them stop, and dig for a considerable time,
after which I thought I perceived them lift up a trap door. They
returned again to the vessel, and unloaded several sorts of
provisions and furniture, which they carried to the place where
they had been digging: they then descended, which made me suppose
it led to a subterraneous dwelling.
I saw them once more go to the ship, and return soon after with
an old man, who led in his hand a handsome lad of about fourteen
or fifteen years of age. They all descended when the trap door
had been opened. After they had again come up, they let down the
trap door, covered it over with earth, and returned to the creek
where the ship lay, but I saw not the young man in their company.
This made me believe that he had staid behind in the
subterraneous place, a circumstance which exceedingly surprised
The old man and the slaves went on board, and getting the vessel
under weigh, steered their course towards the main land. When I
perceived they had proceeded to such a distance that I could not
be seen by them, I came down from the tree, and went directly to
the place where I had seen the ground broken. I removed the earth
by degrees, till I came to a stone that was two or three feet

square. I lifted it up, and found that it covered the head of a
flight of stairs, which were also of stone. I descended, and at
the bottom found myself in a large room, furnished with a carpet,
a couch covered with tapestry, and cushions of rich stuff, upon
which the young man sat, with a fan in his hand. These things,
together with fruits and flower-pot standing about him, I saw by
the light of two wax tapers. The young man, when he perceived me
was considerably alarmed; but to quiet his apprehensions, I said
to him as I entered, "Whoever you are, Sir, do not fear; a
sultan, and the son of a sultan, as I am, is not capable of doing
you any injury: on the contrary, it is probable that your good
destiny may have brought me hither to deliver you out of this
tomb, where it seems you have been buried alive, for reasons to
me unknown. But what surprises me (for you must know that I have
been witness to all that hath passed since your coming into this
island), is, that you suffered yourself to be entombed in this
place without any resistance."
The young man felt assured at these words, and with a smiling
countenance requested me to take a seat by him. When I had
complied, he said "Prince, I am to acquaint you with what will
surprise you by its singularity.
"My father is a merchant jeweller, who, by his industry and
professional skill, has acquired considerable property. He has
many slaves, and also agents, whom he employs as supercargoes in
his own ships, to maintain his correspondence at the several
courts, which he furnishes with precious stones.
"He had been long married without having issue, when it was
intimated to him in a dream that he should have a son, though his
life would be but short; at which he was much concerned when he
awoke. Some days after, my mother acquainted him that she was
with child, and what she supposed to be the time of her
conception agreed exactly with the day of his dream. At the end
of nine months she was brought to bed of me; which occasioned
great joy in the family.
"My father, who had observed the very moment of my birth,
consulted astrologers about my nativity; and was answered, ‘Your
son shall live happily till the age of fifteen, when his life
will be exposed to a danger which he will hardly be able to
escape. But if his good destiny preserve him beyond that time, he
will live to a great age. It will be' (said they) ‘when the
statue of brass, that stands upon the summit of the mountain of
adamant, shall be thrown into the sea by prince Agib, son of king
Cassib; and, as the stars prognosticate, your son will be killed
fifty days afterwards by that prince.'

"My father took all imaginable care of my education until this
year, which is the fifteenth of my age. He had notice given him
yesterday, that the statue of brass had been thrown into the sea
about ten days ago. This news alarmed him much.
"Upon the prediction the astrologers, he sought by all means
possible to falsify my horoscope, and to preserve my life. He
took the precaution to form this subterranean habitation to hide
me in, till the expiration of the fifty days after the throwing
down of the statue; and therefore, as it is ten days since this
happened, he came hastily hither to conceal me, and promised at
the end of forty days to return and fetch me away. For my own
part I am sanguine in my hopes, and cannot believe that prince
Agib will seek for me in a place under ground, in the midst of a
desert island."
While the jeweller's son was relating this story, I laughed at
the astrologers who had foretold that I should take away his
life; for I thought myself so far from being likely to verify
their prediction, that he had scarcely done speaking, when I told
him with great joy, "Dear Sir, trust in the goodness of God, and
fear nothing; consider it as a debt you had to pay; but that you
are acquitted of it from this hour. I rejoice that after my
shipwreck I came so fortunately hither to defend you against all
who would attempt your life. I will not leave you till the forty
days have expired, of which the foolish astrologers have made you
apprehensive; and in the mean while I will do you all the service
in my power: after which, with leave of your father and yourself,
I shall have the benefit of getting to the main land in your
vessel; and when I am returned into my kingdom, I will remember
the obligations I owe you, and endeavour to demonstrate my
gratitude by suitable acknowedgments."
This discourse encouraged the jeweller's son, and inspired him
with confidence. I took care not to inform him I was the very
Agib whom he dreaded, lest I should alarm his fears, and used
every precaution not to give him any cause to suspect who I was.
We passed the time in various conversation till night came on. I
found the young man of ready wit, and partook with him of his
provisions, of which he had enough to have lasted beyond the
forty days, though he had had more guests than myself. After
supper we conversed for some time; and at last retired to bed.
The next morning, when he arose, I held the basin of water to
him; I also provided dinner, and at the proper time placed it on
the table: after we had dined I invented a play for our
amusement, not only for that day, but for those that followed. I
prepared supper after the same manner as I had done the dinner;
and having supped, we retired to bed as before. We had sufficient

time to contrast mutual friendship and esteem for each other. I
found he loved me; and I on my part regarded him with so much
affection, that I often said to myself, "Those astrologers who
predicted to his father that his son should die by my hand were
impostors; for it is not possible that I could commit so base a
crime." In short, madam, we spent thirty-nine days in the
pleasantest manner possible in this subterraneous abode.
The fortieth day appeared: and in the morning, when the young man
awoke, he said to me with a transport of joy that he could not
restrain, "Prince, this is the fortieth day, and I am not dead,
thanks to God and your good company. My father will not fail to
make you, very shortly, every acknowledgment of his gratitude for
your attentions, and will furnish you with every necessary
accommodation for your return to your kingdom: but," continued
he, "while we are waiting his arrival, I beg you will provide me
some warm water in that portable bath, that I may wash my body
and change my dress, to receive my father with the more respect."
I set the water on the fire, and when it was hot poured it into
the moveable bath; the youth went in, and I both washed and
rubbed him. At last he came out, and laid himself down in his bed
that I had prepared. After he had slept a while, he awoke, and
said, "Dear prince, pray do me the favour to fetch me a melon and
some sugar, that I may eat some to refresh me."
Out of several melons that remained I took the best, and laid it
on a plate; and as I could not find a knife to cut it with, I
asked the young man if he knew where there was one. "There is
one," said he, "upon this cornice over my head:" I accordingly
saw it there, and made so much haste to reach it, that, while I
had it in my hand, my foot being entangled in the carpet, I fell
most unhappily upon the young man, and the knife pierced his
At this spectacle I cried out with agony. I beat my head, my
face, and breast; I tore my clothes; I threw myself on the ground
with unspeakable sorrow and grief! "Alas!" I exclaimed, "there
were only some hours wanting to have put him out of that danger
from which he sought sanctuary here; and when I thought the
danger past, then I became his murderer, and verified the
prediction. But, O Lord!" said I, lifting up my face and my hands
to heaven, "I intreat thy pardon, and if I be guilty of his
death, let me not live any longer."
After this misfortune I would have embraced death without any
reluctance, had it presented itself to me. But what we wish,
whether it be good or evil, will not always happen according to
our desire. Nevertheless, considering that all my tears and

sorrows would not restore the young man to life, and, the forty
days being expired, I might be surprised by his father, I quitted
the subterranean dwelling, laid down the great stone upon the
entrance, and covered it with earth.
I had scarcely done, when, casting my eyes upon the sea towards
the main land, I perceived the vessel coming to fetch away the
young man. I began then to consider what I had best do. I said to
myself, "If I am seen by the old man, he will certainly seize me,
and perhaps cause me to be massacred by his slaves, when he has
discovered that his son is killed: all that I can allege to
justify myself will not convince him of my innocence. It is
better then to withdraw while it is in my power, than to expose
myself to his resentment."
There happened to be near a large tree thick with leaves, which I
ascended in hopes of concealment, and was no sooner fixed in a
place where I could not be perceived, than I saw the vessel come
to the creek where she lay the first time.
The old man with his slaves landed immediately, and advanced
towards the subterranean dwelling, with a countenance that shewed
some hope; but when they saw the earth had been newly removed,
they changed colour, particularly the old man. They lifted up the
stone, and went down; they called the young man by his name, but
he not answering, their fears increased. They proceeded to seek
him; and at length found him lying upon the bed with the knife in
his heart, for I had not power to take it out. At this sight they
cried out lamentably, which increased my sorrow: the old man fell
down in a swoon. The slaves, to give him air, brought him up in
their arms, and laid him at the foot of the tree where I was
concealed; but notwithstanding all the pains they took to recover
him, the unfortunate father continued a long while insensible,
and made them more than once despair of his life; but at last he
came to himself. The slaves then brought up his son's corpse,
dressed in his best apparel, and when they had made a grave they
buried it. The old man, supported by two slaves, and his face
covered with tears, threw the first earth upon the body, after
which the slaves filled up the grave.
This being done, all the furniture was brought up, and, with the
remaining provisions, put on board the vessel. The old man,
overcome with sorrow, and not being able to stand, was laid upon
a litter, and carried to the ship, which stood out to sea, and in
a short time was out of sight.
After the old man and his slaves were gone, I was left alone upon
the island. I lay that night in the subterranean dwelling, which
they had shut up, and when the day came, I walked round the

island, and stopped in such places as I thought most proper for
I led this wearisome life for a whole month. At the expiration of
this time I perceived that the sea had receded; that the island
had increased in dimensions; the main land too seemed to be
drawing nearer. In fact, the water sunk so low, that there
remained between me and the continent but a small stream, which I
crossed, and the water did not reach above the middle of my leg.
I walked so long a way upon the slime and sand that I was very
weary: at last I got upon more firm ground, and when I had
proceeded some distance from the sea, I saw a good way before me
something that resembled a great fire, which afforded me some
comfort; for I said to myself, I shall find here some persons, it
not being possible that this fire should kindle of itself. As I
drew nearer, however, I found my error, and discovered that what
I had taken for a fire was a castle of red copper, which the
beams of the sun made to appear at a distance like flames.
I stopped in the neighbourhood of the castle, and sat down to
admire its noble structure, and to rest myself. Before I had
taken such a view of this magnificent building as it deserved, I
saw ten handsome young men coming along, as if they had been
taking a walk; but what surprised me was, that they were all
blind of the right eye. They were accompanied by an old man, who
was very tall, and of a venerable aspect.
I could not suppress my astonishment at the sight of so many half
blind men in company, and every one deprived of the same eye. As
I was conjecturing by what adventure these men could come
together, they approached, and seemed glad to see me. After the
first salutations, they inquired what had brought me thither. I
told them my story would be somewhat tedious, but if they would
take the trouble to sit down, 1 would satisfy their curiosity.
They did so, and I related to them all that had happened to me
since I had left my kingdom, which filled them with astonishment.
After I had concluded my account, the young gentlemen prayed me
to accompany them into the castle. I accepted their offer, and we
passed through a great many halls, ante-chambers, bed-chambers,
and closets, very well furnished, and came at last into a
spacious hall, where there were ten small blue sofas set round,
separate from one another, on which they sat by day and slept at
night. In the middle of this circle stood an eleventh sofa, not
so high as the rest, but of the same colour, upon which the old
man before-mentioned sat down, and the young gentlemen occupied
the other ten. But as each sofa could only contain one man, one
of the young men said to me, "Comrade, sit down upon that carpet
in the middle of the room, and do not inquire into anything that

concerns us, nor the reason why we are all blind of the right
eye; be content with what you see, and let not your curiosity
extend any farther."
The old man having sat a short time, arose, and went out; but he
returned in a minute or two, brought in supper, distributed to
each man separately his proportion, and likewise brought me mine,
which I ate apart, as the rest did; and when supper was almost
ended, he presented to each of us a cup of wine.
They thought my story so extraordinary, that they made me repeat
it after supper, and it furnished conversation for a good part of
the night. One of the gentlemen observing that it was late, said
to the old man, "You do not bring us that with which we may
acquit ourselves of our duty." At these words the old man arose,
and went into a closet, and brought out thence upon his head ten
basins, one after another, all covered with blue stuff; he placed
one before every gentleman, together with a light.
They uncovered their basins, which contained ashes, coal-dust,
and lamp-black; they mixed all together, and rubbed and bedaubed
their faces with it in such a manner as to make themselves look
very frightful. After having thus blackened themselves, they wept
and lamented, beating their heads and breasts, and crying
continually, "This is the fruit of our idleness and debauches."
They continued this strange employment nearly the whole of the
night, and when they left off, the old man brought them water,
with which they washed their faces and hands; they changed all
their clothes, which were spoiled, and put on others; so that
they exhibited no appearance of what they had been doing.
You may judge how uneasy I felt all this time. I wished a
thousand times to break the silence which had been imposed upon
me, and ask questions; nor was it possible for me to sleep that
The next day, soon after we had arisen, we went out to walk, and
then I said to them, "Gentlemen, I declare to you, that I must
renounce the law which you prescribed to me last night, for I
cannot observe it. You are men of sense, you have convinced me
that you do not want understanding; yet, I have seen you do such
actions as none but madmen could be capable of. Whatever
misfortune befalls me, I cannot forbear asking, why you bedaubed
your faces with black? How it has happened that each of you has
but one eye? Some singular circumstance must certainly be the
cause; therefore I conjure you to satisfy my curiosity." To these
pressing instances they answered only, that it was no business of
mine to make such inquiries, and that I should do well to hold my
We passed that day in conversation upon indifferent subjects; and
when night was come and every man had supped, the old man brought
in the blue basins, and the young gentlemen as before bedaubed
their faces, wept and beat themselves, crying, "This is the fruit
of our idleness and debauches," and continued the same actions
the following night. At last, not being able to resist my
curiosity, I earnestly prayed them to satisfy me, or to shew me
how to return to my own kingdom; for it was impossible for me to
keep them company any longer, and to see every night such an odd
exhibition, without being permitted to know the reason.
One of the gentlemen answered on behalf of the rest, "Do not
wonder at our conduit in regard to yourself, and that hitherto we
have not granted your request: it is out of kindness, to save you
the pain of being reduced to the same condition with ourselves.
If you have a mind to try our unfortunate destiny, you need but
speak, and we will give you the satisfaction you desire." I told
them I was resolved on it, let what would be the consequence.
"Once more," said the same gentleman, "we advise you to restrain
your curiosity: it will cost you the loss of your right eye." "No
matter," I replied; "be assured that if such a misfortune befall
me, I will not impute it to you, but to myself."
He farther represented to me, that when I had lost an eye I must
not hope to remain with them, if I were so disposed, because
their number was complete, and no addition could be made to it. I
told them, that it would be a great satisfaction to me never to
part from such agreeable gentlemen, but if there were a necessity
for it, I was ready to submit; and let it cost me what it would,
I begged them to grant my request.
The ten gentlemen perceiving that I was so fixed in my
resolution, took a sheep, killed it, and after they had taken off
the skin, presented me with a knife, telling me it would be
useful to me on an occasion which they would soon explain. "We
must sew you in this skin," said they, "and then leave you; upon
which a bird of a monstrous size, called a roc, will appear in
the air, and taking you for a sheep, will pounce upon you, and
soar with you to the sky: but let not that alarm you; he will
descend with you again, and lay you on the top of a mountain.
When you find yourself on the ground, cut the skin with your
knife, and throw it off. As soon as the roc sees you, he will fly
away for fear, and leave you at liberty. Do not stay, but walk on
till you come to a spacious castle, covered with plates of gold,
large emeralds, and other precious stones: go up to the gate,
which always stands open, and walk in. We have each of us been in
that castle; but will tell you nothing of what we saw, or what

befell us there; you will learn by your own experience. All that
we can inform you is, that it has cost each of us our right eye,
and the penance which you have been witness to, is what we are
obliged to observe in consequence of having been there. The
history of each of us is so full of extraordinary adventures,
that a large volume would not contain them. But we cannot explain
ourselves farther."
When the gentleman had thus spoken, I wrapt myself in the sheep's
skin, held fast the knife which was given me; and after the young
gentlemen had been at the trouble to sew the skin about me, they
retired into the hall, and left me alone. The roc they spoke of
soon arrived; he pounced upon me, took me in his talons like a
sheep, and carried me up the summit of the mountain.
When I found myself on the ground, I cut the skin with the knife,
and throwing it off, the roc at the sight of me flew sway. This
roc is a white bird, of a monstrous size; his strength is such,
that he can lift up elephants from the plains, and carry them to
the tops of mountains, where he feeds upon them.
Being impatient to reach the castle, I lost no time; but made so
much haste, that I got thither in half a day's journey, and I
must say that I found it surpassed the description they had given
me of its magnificence.
The gate being open, I entered a square court, so large that
there were round it ninety-nine gates of wood of sanders and
aloes, and one of gold, without reckoning those of several superb
staircases, that led to apartments above, besides many more which
I could not see. The hundred doors I spoke of opened into gardens
or store-houses full of riches, or into apartments which
contained many things wonderful to be seen.
I saw a door standing open just before me, through which I
entered into a large hall. Here I found forty young ladies of
such perfect beauty as imagination could not surpass: they were
all most sumptuously appareled. As soon as they saw me they
arose, and without waiting my salutations, said to me, with
demonstrations of joy, "Noble Sir, you are welcome." And one thus
addressed me in the name of the rest, "We have long been in
expectation of such a gentleman as you; your mien assures us,
that you are master of all the good qualities we can desire; and
we hope you will not find our company disagreeable or unworthy of
They obliged me, notwithstanding all the opposition I could make,
to sit down on a seat that was higher than their own; and when I
expressed my uneasiness, "That is your place," said they, "you

are at present our lord, master, and judge, and we are your
slaves, ready to obey your commands."
Nothing, madam, so much astonished me, as the solicitude and
eagerness of those fair ladies to do me all possible service. One
brought hot water to wash my feet, a second poured sweet scented
water on my hands; others brought me all kinds of necessaries,
and change of apparel; others again brought in a magnificent
collation; and the rest came with glasses in their hands to fill
me delicious wines, all in good order, and in the most charming
manner possible. I ate and drank; after which the ladies placed
themselves about me, and desired an account of my travels. I gave
them a full relation of my adventures, which lasted till night
came on.
When I had finished my narrative to the forty ladies, some of
them who sat nearest me staid to keep me company, whilst the
rest, seeing it was dark, rose to fetch tapers. They brought a
prodigious number, which by the wonderful light they emitted
exhibited the resemblance of day, and they disposed them with so
much taste as to produce the most beautiful effect possible.
Other ladies covered a table with dry fruits, sweetmeats, and
everything proper to relish the liquor; a side-board was set out
with several sorts of wine and other liquors. Some of the ladies
brought in musical instruments, and when everything was ready,
they invited me to sit down to supper. The ladies sat down with
me, and we continued a long while at our repast. They that were
to play upon the instruments and sing arose, and formed a most
charming concert. The others began a kind of ball, and danced two
and two, couple after couple, with admirable grace.
It was past midnight ere these amusements ended. At length one of
the ladies said to me, "You are doubtless wearied by the journey
you have taken to-day; it is time for you to retire to rest; your
lodging is prepared: but before you depart choose which of us you
like best to be your bedfellow." I answered, "That I knew not how
to make my own choice, as they were all equally beautiful, witty,
and worthy of my respects and service, and that I would not be
guilty of so much incivility as to prefer one before another."
The lady who had spoken to me before answered, "We are very well
satisfied of your civility, and find it is your fear to create
jealousy among us that occasions your diffidence; but let not
this hinder you. We assure you, that the good fortune of her whom
you choose shall cause no feeling of the kind; for we are agreed
among ourselves, that every one of us shall in her turn have the
same honour; and when forty days are past, to begin again;
therefore make your selection, and lose no time to take the

repose you need." I was obliged to yield to their entreaties, and
offered my hand to the lady who spoke, and who, in return, gave
me hers. We were conducted to a sumptuous apartment, where they
left us; and then every one retired to her own chamber.
I was scarcely dressed next morning, when the other thirty-nine
ladies came into my chamber, all in different dresses from those
they had worn the day before: they bade me good-morrow, and
inquired after my health. After which they conveyed me to a bath,
where they washed me themselves, and whether I would or no,
served me with everything I needed; and when I came out of the
bath, they made me put on another suit much richer than the
We passed the whole day almost constantly at table; and when it
was bed-time, they prayed me again to make choice of one of them
for my companion In short, madam, not to weary you with
repetitions, I must tell you that I continued a whole year among
those forty ladies, and received them into my bed one after
another: and during all the time of this voluptuous life, we met
not with the least kind of trouble. When the year was expired, I
was greatly surprised that these forty ladies, instead of
appearing with their usual cheerfulness to ask me how I did,
entered my chamber one morning all in tears. They embraced me
with great tenderness one after another, saying, "Adieu, dear
prince, adieu! for we must leave you." Their tears affected. I
prayed them to tell me the reason of their grief, and of the
separation they spoke of. "Fair ladies, let me know," said I, "if
it be in my power to comfort you, or if my assistance can be any
way useful to you." Instead of returning a direct answer,
"Would," said they, "we had never seen or known you! Several
gentlemen have honoured us with their company before you; but
never one of them had that comeliness, that sweetness, that
pleasantness of humour, and that merit which you possess; we know
not how to live without you." After they had spoken these words,
they began to weep bitterly. "My dear ladies," said I, "have the
kindness not to keep me any longer in suspense: tell me the cause
of your sorrow." "Alas!" said they, "what but the necessity of
parting from you could thus afflict us? Perhaps we shall never
see you more; but if it be your wish we should, and if you
possess sufficient self-command for the purpose, it is not
impossible but that we may again enjoy the pleasure of your
company." "Ladies," I replied, "I understand not what you mean;
pray explain yourselves more clearly."
"Well," said one of them, "to satisfy you, we must acquaint you
that we are all princesses, daughters of kings. We live here
together in the manner you have seen; but at the end of every
year we are obliged to be absent forty days upon indispensable

duties, which we are not permitted to reveal: and afterwards we
return again to this castle. Yesterday was the last of the year;
to day we must leave you, and this circumstance is the cause of
our grief. Before we depart we will leave you the keys of
everything, especially those of the hundred doors, where you will
find enough to satisfy your curiosity, and to relieve your
solitude during our absence. But for your benefit, and our own
personal interests, we recommend you to forbear opening the
golden door; for if you do we shall never see you again; and the
apprehension of this augments our grief. We hope, nevertheless,
that you will attend to our advice; your own peace, and the
happiness of your life, depends upon your compliance; therefore
take heed. If you suffer yourself to be swayed by a foolish
curiosity, you will do yourself a considerable injury. We conjure
you to avoid the indiscretion, and to give us the satisfaction
finding you here again at the end of forty days. We would
willingly take the key of the golden door with us; but that it
would be an affront to a prince like you to question your
discretion and firmness."
This speech of the fair princesses grieved me extremely. I
omitted not to declare how much their absence would afflict me. I
thanked then for their good advice, assuring them that I would
follow it, and expressed my willingness to perform what was much
more difficult, to secure the happiness of passing the rest of my
days with ladies of such beauty and accomplishments. We separated
with much tenderness, and after I had embraced them all, they
departed, and I remained alone in the castle.
The agreeableness of their company, their hospitality, their
musical entertainments, and other amusements, had so much
absorbed my attention during the whole year, that I neither had
time nor desire to see the wonders contained in this enchanted
palace. I did not even notice a thousand curious objects that
every day offered themselves to my view, so much was I charmed by
the beauty of those ladies, and the pleasure they seemed to take
in promoting my gratification. Their departure sensibly afflicted
me; and though their absence was to be only forty days, it seemed
to me an age to live without them.
I determined not to forget the important advice they had given
me, not to open the golden door; but as I was permitted to
satisfy my curiosity in everything else, I took the first of the
keys of the other doors, which were hung in regular order.
I opened the first door, and entered an orchard, which I believe
the universe could not equal. I could not imagine any thing to
surpass it, except that which our religion promises us after
death. The symmetry, the neatness, the admirable order of the

trees, the abundance and diversity of unknown fruits, their
freshness and beauty, delighted my senses.
Nor must I omit to inform you, that this delicious orchard was
watered in a very particular manner. There were channels so
artificially and proportionately dug, that they carried water in
considerable quantities to the roots of such trees as required
much moisture. Others conveyed it in smaller quantities to those
whose fruits were already formed: some carried still less to
those whose fruits were swelling, and others carried only so much
as was just requisite to water those which had their fruits come
to perfection, and only wanted to be ripened. They far exceeded
in size the ordinary fruits of our gardens. Lastly, those
channels that watered the trees whose fruit was ripe had no more
moisture than just what would preserve them from withering.
I should never have tired in examining and admiring so delightful
a place; nor have left it, had I not conceived a still higher
idea of the other things which I had not seen. I went out at last
with my mind filled with the wonders I had viewed: I shut the
door, and opened the next.
Instead of an orchard, I found here a flower garden, which was no
less extraordinary in its kind. It contained a spacious plot, not
watered so profusely as the former, but with greater niceness,
furnishing no more water than just what each flower required. The
roses, jessamines, violets, daffodils, hyacinths, anemonies,
tulips, pinks, lilies, and an infinite number of flowers, which
do not grow in other places but at certain times, were there
flourishing all at once, and nothing could be more delicious than
the fragrant smell which they emitted.
I opened the third door, and found a large aviary, paved with
marble of several fine and uncommon colours. The trellis work was
made of sandal wood and wood of aloes. It contained a vast number
of nightingales, gold-finches, canary birds, larks, and other
rare singing-birds, which I had never heard of; and the vessels
that held their seed and water were of the most precious jasper
or agate.
Besides, this aviary was so exceedingly neat, that, considering
its extent, I judged there must be not less than a hundred
persons to keep it clean; but all this while not one appeared,
either here or in the gardens I had before examined; and yet I
could not perceive a weed, or any thing superfluous or offensive
to sight. The sun went down, and I retired, charmed with the
chirping notes of the multitude of birds, who then began to perch
upon such places as suited them for repose during the night. I
went to my chamber, resolving on the following days to open all

the rest of the doors, excepting that of gold.
The next day I opened the fourth door. If what I had seen before
was capable of exciting my surprise, what I now beheld
transported me into perfect ecstacy. I entered a large court
surrounded with buildings of an admirable structure, the
description of which I will omit, to avoid prolixity.
This building had forty doors, all open, and through each of them
was an entrance into a treasury: several of these treasuries
contained as much wealth as the largest kingdoms. The first was
stored with heaps of pearls: and, what is almost incredible, the
number of those stones which are most precious, and as large as
pigeons' eggs, exceeded the number of those of the ordinary size.
In the second treasury, there were diamonds, carbuncles, and
rubies; in the third, emeralds; in the fourth, ingots of gold; in
the fifth, money; in the sixth, ingots of silver; and in the two
following, money. The rest contained amethysts, chrysolites,
topazes, opals, turquoises, and hyacinths, with all the other
stones known to us, without mentioning agate, jasper, cornelian,
and coral, of which there was a store house filled, not only with
branches, but whole trees.
Filled with astonishment and admiration at the view of all these
riches, I exclaimed, "If all the treasures of the kings of the
universe were gathered together in one place, they could not
equal the value of these. How fortunate am I to possess all this
wealth with so many admirable princesses! "
I will not tire you, madam, with a detail of all the other
objects of curiosity and value which I discovered on the
following day. I shall only say, that thirty-nine days afforded
me but just as much time as was necessary to open ninety-nine
doors, and to admire all that presented itself to my view, so
that there was only the hundredth door left, which I was
forbidden to open.
The fortieth day after the departure of those charming princesses
arrived, and had I but retained so much self-command as I ought
to have had, I should have been this day the happiest of all
mankind, whereas now I am the most unfortunate. They were to
return the next day, and the pleasure of seeing them again ought
to have restrained my curiosity: but through my weakness, which I
shall ever repent, I yielded to the temptations of the evil
spirit, who allowed me no rest till I had involved myself in the
misfortunes I have since suffered.
I opened that fatal door! But before I had moved my foot to
enter, a smell pleasant enough, but too powerful for my senses,

made me faint away. However, I soon recovered: but instead of
taking warning from this incident to close the door, and restrain
my curiosity, after waiting some time for the external air to
correct the effluvia of the place, I entered, and felt myself no
longer incommoded. I found myself in a spacious vaulted
apartment, the pavement of which was strewed with saffron. It was
illuminated by several large tapers which emitted the perfume of
aloes and ambergris, and were placed in candlesticks of solid
gold. This light was augmented by gold and silver lamps, burning
perfumed oils of various kinds.
Among the many objects that attracted my attention was a black
horse, of the most perfect symmetry and beauty that ever was
beheld. I approached in order the better to observe him, and
found he had on a saddle and bridle of massive gold, curiously
wrought. One part of his manger was filled with clean barley and
sesame, and the other with rose-water. I laid hold of his bridle,
and led him out to view him by daylight. I mounted, and
endeavoured to make him move: but finding he did not stir, I
struck him with a switch I had taken up in his magnificent
stable. He had no sooner felt the blow, than he began to neigh in
a most horrible manner, and extending his wings, which I had not
before perceived, flew up with me into the air. My thoughts were
fully in keeping my seat; and considering the fear that had
seized me, I sat well. At length he directed his course towards
the earth, and lighted upon the terrace of a castle, and, without
giving me time to dismount, shook me out of the saddle with such
force, as to throw me behind him, and with the end of his tail he
struck out my eye.
Thus it was I became blind of one eye. I then recollected the
predictions of the ten young gentlemen. The horse again took
wing, and soon disappeared. I got up much vexed at the misfortune
I had brought upon myself. I walked upon the terrace, covering my
eye with one of my hands, for it pained me exceedingly, and then
descended, and entered into a hall. I soon discoved by the ten
sofas in a circle, and the eleventh in the middle, lower than the
rest, that I was in the castle whence I had been carried by the
The ten young gentlemen were not in the hall when I entered; but
came in soon after, attended by the old man. They seemed not at
all surprised to see me, nor at the loss of my eye; but said, "We
are sorry that we cannot congratulate you on your return, as we
could wish; but we are not the cause of your misfortune." "I
should do you wrong," I replied, "to lay it to your charge; I
have only myself to accuse." "If," said they, "it be a subject of
consolation to the afflicted to know that others share their
sufferings, you have in us this alleviation of your misfortune.

All that has happened to you we have also endured; we each of us
tasted the same pleasures during a year; and we had still
continued to enjoy them, had we not opened the golden door, when
the princesses were absent. You have been no wiser than we, and
have incurred the same punishment. We would gladly receive you
into our company, to join with us in the penance to which we are
bound, and the duration of which we know not. But we have already
stated to you the reasons that render this impossible: depart,
therefore, and proceed to the court of Bagdad, where you will
meet with the person who is to decide your destiny." After they
had explained to me the road I was to travel, I departed.
On the road I caused my beard and eye-brows to be shaven, and
assumed a calender's habit. I have had a long journey, but at
last I arrived this evening, and met these my brother calenders
at the gate, being strangers as well as myself. We were mutually
surprised at one another, to see that we were all blind of the
same eye; but we had not leisure to converse long on the subject
of our misfortunes. We have only had time enough to bring us
hither, to implore those favours which you have been generously
pleased to grant us.
The third calender having finished this relation of his
adventures, Zobeide addressed him and his fellow calenders thus:
"Go wherever you think proper, you are at liberty." But one of
them answered, "Madam, we beg you to pardon our curiosity, and
permit us to hear the stories of those gentlemen who have not yet
spoken." Then the lady turned to the caliph, the vizier Jaaffier,
and Mesrour, and said to them, "It is now your turn to relate
your adventures, therefore speak."
The grand vizier who had all along been the spokesman, answered
Zobeide: "Madam, in order to obey you, we need only repeat what
we have already said. We are merchants of Moussol come to Bagdad
to sell our merchandize, which lies in the khan where we lodge.
We dined today with several other persons of our condition, at a
merchant's house of this city; who, after he had treated us with
choice dainties and excellent wines, sent for men and women
dancers, and musicians. The great noise we made brought in the
watch, who arrested some of the company, and we had the good
fortune to escape: but it being already late, and the door of our
khan shut up, we knew not whither to retire. We chanced as we
passed along this street to hear mirth at your house, which made
us determine to knock at your gate. This is all the account that
we can give you, in obedience to your commands."
Zobeide having heard this statement, seemed to hesitate what to
say, which the calenders perceiving, prayed her to grant the same
favour to the three Moussol merchants as she had done to them.

"Well then," said she, "you shall all be equally obliged to me; I
pardon you all, provided you immediately depart."
Zobeide having given this command in a tone that signified she
would be obeyed, the caliph, the vizier Mesrour, the three
calenders, and the porter departed, without saying one word: for
the presence of the seven slaves with their weapons awed them
into silence. As soon as they had quitted the house, and the gate
was closed after them, the caliph said to the calenders, without
making himself known, "You gentlemen, who are newly come to town,
which way do you design to go, since it is not yet day?" "It is
this," they replied, "that perplexes us." "Follow us," resumed
the caliph, "and we will convey you out of danger." He then
whispered to the vizier, "Take them along with you, and tomorrow
morning bring them to me; I will cause their history to be put in
writing, for it deserves a place in the annals of my reign."
The vizier Jaaffier took the three calenders along with him; the
porter went to his quarters, and the caliph and Mesrour returned
to the palace. The caliph went to bed, but could not sleep, being
perplexed by the extraordinary things he had seen and heard. But
above all, he was most concerned to know the history of Zobeide;
what reason she could have to be so severe to the two black
bitches, and why Amene had her bosom so scarred. Day began to
appear whilst he was thinking upon these things; he arose and
went to his council chamber, and sat upon his throne.
The grand vizier entered soon after, and paid his respects as
usual. "Vizier," said the caliph, "the affairs that we have to
consider at present are not very pressing; that of the three
ladies and the two black bitches is the most urgent: my mind
cannot rest till I am thoroughly satisfied, in all those matters
that have so much surprised me. Go, bring those ladies and the
calenders at the same time; make haste, and remember that I
impatiently expect your return."
The vizier who knew his master's quick and fiery temper, hastened
to obey, and went to the ladies, to whom he communicated, in a
civil way,. the orders with which he was charged, to bring them
before the caliph, without taking any notice of what had passed
the night before at their house.
The ladies put on their veils, and went with the vizier As he
passed his own house, he took along with him the three calenders,
who in the interval had learnt that they had seen and spoken with
the caliph, without knowing him. The vizier conducted them to the
palace with so much expedition, that the caliph was much pleased.
This prince, that he might observe proper decorum before the
officers of his court who were then present, ordered that the

ladies should be placed behind the hangings of the door which led
to his own chamber, and placed the three calenders near his
person, who, by their respectful behaviour, sufficiently evinced
that they were not ignorant before whom they had the honour to
When the ladies were thus disposed of, the caliph turned towards
them, and said, "When I acquaint you that I was last night in
your house, disguised in a merchant's habit, you may probably be
alarmed, lest you may have given me offence; you may perhaps
believe that I have sent for you for no other purpose than to
shew some marks of my resentment; but be not afraid; you may rest
assured that I have forgotten all that has past, and am well
satisfied with your conduct. I wish that all the ladies of Bagdad
had as much discretion as you evinced before me. I shall always
remember the moderation with which you acted, after the rudeness
of which we were guilty. I was then a merchant of Moussol, but am
at present Haroon al Rusheed, the fifth caliph of the glorious
house of Abbas, and hold the place of our great prophet. I have
only sent for you to know who you are, and to ask for what reason
one of you, after severely whipping the two black bitches, wept
with them? And I am no less curious to know, why another of you
has her bosom so full of scars."
Though the caliph pronounced these words very distinctly, the
three ladies heard him well enough, yet the vizier out of
ceremony, repeated them.
Zobeide, after the caliph by his address had encouraged her,
began thus

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